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Starting Your Own IT Business (FAQ)

You might have some questions about the role you will play as an IT consultant or running an IT Consulting firm and what it takes to leap into this field. As with any career choice, it can be somewhat challenging to predict what a path in IT consulting will bring you. To help you develop a better understanding of what you are likely to expect, we have presented answers to some of the most asked questions about IT consulting:

What are the educational requirements for a typical IT consultant?
When hiring IT consultants, companies normally look for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, information technology or a related field. While a postgraduate degree is not necessarily a requirement, it can certainly help yougaindge over the competition in the market.
What is a typical day for an IT consulting firm looks like?
Well, there really is not a ‘typical day’ for an IT consultant and pretty much the same can be said for the entire consulting industry.  Most of the days at your IT consulting firm will be occupied with searching and building your network, brainstorming next steps or possible solutions and attending both client as well as team meetings.

Moreover, since you are your own boss, your workdays will not always be the traditional 9 to 5 schedule. You will have the freedom and flexibility to work on your own terms, but that does not necessarily mean you can take off whenever you want, especially when you have just started out and want your business to grow!

How much will I need to travel?
Traveling is undoubtedly a major part of being an IT consultant, and therefore you can expect to be on the road – or in the air – more often than not. How much time you will spend traveling to different destinations will primarily depend upon on the clients you are working for. However, one thing is for certain: you are going to be on the go to meet your clients on a frequent basis!
What are the different IT consulting roles and titles?
There are many kinds of IT consultants, and the company’s purpose of hiring a consultant will determine the kind of IT consultant they hire. The following are some of the most prominent IT consulting roles and titles:

  • Chief Architect, Information Technology (IT)
  • Information Technology (IT) Architect
  • Senior Software Architect
  • Sr. Software Engineer/ Programmer/ Developer
  • Software Development Manager
  • Information Technology (IT) Director
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Information Technology (IT) Manager
  • Vice President (VP), Information Technology (IT)
  • Program Manager, Information Technology (IT)
  • Project Manager , Information Technology (IT)
  • Information Technology (IT) Manager
  • Senior Project Manager, Information Technology (IT)
  • Information Technology (IT) Director
Should I be taking any specialization courses?
You can gain an extraordinary advantage over your competition by taking specialization courses as you start your career. In fact, it will also prove useful when it comes to prospecting your own clients. So, what particular courses should you be taking on?

Well, there is a wide range of specialization programs available for individuals who are aspiring to become IT consultants. In addition, whichever you choose to go with, you can be certain that it will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to prosper in the ever-changing world of IT.

What kinds of companies are interested to hire an IT consultant?
There is no definite answer to this question as each company looks to hire IT consultants for their own specific needs. However, one thing similar is that they require the expertise and skills IT consultants have to offer in order to execute projects or solve problems successfully.
If I want to be a IT Consultant myself, what will my daily responsibilities entail?
Being an IT consultant, you will have several responsibilities to attend to on a daily basis. While it is impossible to list down all of them, the following are some responsibilities you are expected to take care of:

  • Presenting strategies and expertise to clients
  • Identifying, developing and implementing solutions
  • Effectively communicating with your team and clients
  • Traveling to and from client sites
  • Designing, installing, testing and monitoring new systems
  • Preparing documentation to help clients learn about the system and presenting reports to show performance/results.
  • Involvement in sales and support, and where necessary, maintain close contact with clients.
  • Diving into the latest industry changes, news and trends.

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